Alerting long commands in zsh
Update (2019-10-03): I fleshed this out into a plugin! Check it out!
I often find myself running commands that take a long time and then coming back to it later. For example, when I’m running a long computation for my research or when I’m building a package. I recently discovered this zbell gist which seems to be almost exactly what I want! I’m trying to learn more shell scripting so I’m going to reimplement this and explain what I’m doing. The final version will be this
# Ignore commands if they start with the follow
zlong_ignore_cmds='vim ssh'
# Define what a long duration is
# Need to set an initial timestamps otherwise, we'll be comparing an empty
# string with an integer.
# Define the alerting function, do the text processing here
zlong_alert_func() {
local cmd=$1
local secs=$2
local ftime=$(printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($secs / 3600)) $(($secs % 3600 / 60)) $(($secs % 60)))
notify-send "Done: $1" "Time: $ftime"
echo "\a"
zlong_alert_pre() {
zlong_alert_post() {
local duration=$(($EPOCHSECONDS - $zlong_timestamp))
local lasted_long=$(($duration - $zlong_duration))
local cmd_head=$(echo $zlong_last_cmd | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
if [[ $lasted_long -gt 0 && ! -z $zlong_last_cmd && ! *"$cmd_head"*==zlong_ignore_cmds ]]; then
zlong_alert_func $zlong_last_cmd duration
add-zsh-hook preexec zlong_alert_pre
add-zsh-hook precmd zlong_alert_post
The goal of this script is to alert me whenever a command, that has taken over
60 seconds, is complete. I will be use notify-send
to alert me and also send
a bell character.
For my particular desktop setup, notify-send
will alert me via dunst
the bell will set my kitty
terminal to urgent which i3wm
will pick up on
and turn the workspace indicator red.
So my alert function will send me the command that was ran, the duration formatted nicely, and a bell character.
zlong_alert_func() {
local cmd=$1
local secs=$2
local ftime=$(printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($secs / 3600)) $(($secs % 3600 / 60)) $(($secs % 60)))
notify-send "Done: $1" "Time: $ftime"
echo "\a"
Timing commands
The zsh/datetime
module gives us the EPOCHSECONDS
parameter which is the
number of seconds since the unix epoch. To determine the duration, we just need
to subtract EPOCHSECONDS
when the command is complete from EPOCHSECONDS
when the command started. We will use zsh
hooks for this.
Zsh hooks
One of the advantages of zsh
over bash
is that you get
For this script, we’re interested in
which “executed just after a command has been read and is about to be executed.”precmd
which “executed before each prompt.”
zlong_alert_pre() {
zlong_alert_post() {
local duration=$(( $EPOCHSECONDS - $zlong_timestamp ))
local lasted_long=$(( $duration - $zlong_duration ))
if [[ $lasted_long -gt 0 ]]; then
zlong_alert_func $zlong_last_cmd duration
add-zsh-hook preexec zlong_alert_pre
add-zsh-hook precmd zlong_alert_post
Ignore some commands
I use vim
and ssh
often and it doesn’t really make sense to count them as a
long command. I store the commands I want to ignore in a comma separated list
at the top, I can extract the head of a command as follows:
cmd_head=\$(echo $zlong_last_cmd | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
Fixing a zbell bug
In the zbell
gist, there was a super annoying bug! If you run ls
, wait long
enough, then press ctrl-c, it’ll alert you! This is because preexec
did not
get a chance to run again but precmd
did so it’ll count the duration as the
time since the ls
command. This was fix by setting zlong_last_cmd
to be the
empty string at the end of preexec
then checking to see if the string is
non-empty before sending it to the alert function.
One alternative to alerting the end of long commands that I should mention is using Pushbullet. Pushbullet is an app that I have installed on my phone that can send me notifications. The best part about Pushbullet is that it has an API. I’ve use to send me an alert of my phone whenever a long computation I was doing for my research has finished.
Another cool zsh
feature is REPORTTIME
. This won’t alert you but it’ll tell
you how long a command has run for. For example, by setting REPORTTIME=3
will tell me the run duration of any command that takes more than 3